So I went missing for around two weeks I know. Truth is I was in the middle of a move. I was still doodling of course, but for the most part I didn't have a proper desk to sit on (still don't, everything is a mess). Also my computer didn't take the move so well. BAH~
Can't wait to get settled. It's exhausting.
SO: here are the doodles. Have fun.
Really like day 347. Must have been the perfect day!
You can obviously tell how well planned doodle day 349 was. And also how much time I invested.
This was actually quite random. I like thw outcome.
This one is my portrait. Everyone that saw it thought it was creepy. I really like it though.
This is from Alice in Wonderland.
A shark or dolfin. Anatomy is weird on this one so I think it's a mix.
Fun fact about doodle day 355: This was in fact supposed to be sideways, the mountain edge was supposed to be a lot of mountains on the horizon. But I happened to see it sideways and I liked it better so I added the birds and the human.
Musik Monstrer
I spy with my little eye something creepy.
This snowman started off as a very very evil one but as the doodle continoued he started feeling more and more friendly. I was planning to make this nightmarish but he didn't want me to so I let him be whatever he wanted to be.
A farting butterfly.

A tiny tiny one.
Shiny floors and wet cat feets.
That's all folks, see you tomorrow.
Don't eat too much.