Τετάρτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2016

I don't care about titles right now - day 335

Today is migraine day. FUN. I cannot deal with this doodle anymore. I think it paved the way for my migraine. Also my bad posture while doodling probably made things worse. Oh and the enormous amound of stuff I had to do today and still have may have had something to do with it. I just want to lay down and cry until I fall asleep. How's that for edpressing? I have to stop now, I'm starting to see static where I focus. Today is a very very very bad day for me. And ofcourse since my mood is bad, bad things are happening and make my mood worse so that worse things are hapeening. 


Πέμπτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Before the sunrise everyday

I really liked yerdays doodle. I am also submitting it for a challenge in Art Amino. The challenge theme is "Universe". We can interpret it however we want so this is my take. Wish me luck!

MoonLollipop - day 329

In a very old book I found a poem which I liked. It's for children but one of those that I wouldn't tell my kids if I had any. It went like "I'll stick a stick(?) on the moon and I'll turn it into a lollipop. I'll suck it and it'll melt but it will grow again..." and so on. So I started this doodle with that in mind but in the end it felt more like "let's conquer the world" and stuff. It's probably because I'm getting close to 365 doodles. We will have our first year anniversary!! I don't plan on stopping -the goal is for life, not for a year- but it still feels like an important thing. Bye!

Δευτέρα 21 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Flask - day326

I tried surrealism once again. Hands are a bit of a weak point for me. I practice but I'm not where I want to be yet. Not sure what I had in mind while doing this doodle. Probably nothing. It's one of those pieces that can be anything and I could be like "You decide what I wanted to express here" and "the artists mind is like this and that" NOPE. It is what you see. A flask, hands that are holding it a bit awkwardly and some circles I traced around the bottom of something that I don't remember right now. Bye.

Κυριακή 20 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Hair cutting day 325

So... this happened around summer. I only now came to terms with it and am comfortable talking about it. It wasn't that bad, it was just a 2 by 1cm part of hair which now has grown to about 4cm in length and I can easily hide it when I have my hair up. It was really scary because it was very long and seemed like I chopped off half my hair, but it wasn't like that at all. Noone could even tell. It was a unique experience though, I suddently had all the feelings together mixed with denial. It was so much drama! It starts getting funny as the time passes. Maybe I'll do it again! NOPE.

Σάββατο 19 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Παρασκευή 18 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Eggshellent - day 323

Baaaad pun intended. My diet is not going so well. The problem is that I don't care enough. I have no willpower. Eggs have nothing to do with it but for some reason I associate them with eating alot. I don't eat a lot of eggs but.. I don't know, mah brain is just like that. I have learnt to accept it. That's a lie. My brain will never accept itself. NEVAH!

Πέμπτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Ladybug - day322

I wish I could just lift my shoulderblades and have wings underneath too. It would make my life a little less complicated. When uncomfortable I could just fly away. That's not true though. If I could actually do that may life would be really REALLY complicated. First of all I would get captured and become a test subject until probably the end of my short life. But even if I wouldn't I'd need an extreme amount of energy to be able to lift my weight and maneuver it for even a few meters. Not to mention the extreme amount of training I'd need to even start being able to fly. And then there is the clothes problem. What would I be wearing? And if I wore normal clothes, whould I have to undress everytime I'd need to fly? That's not very practical. I'd be really cold in the winter and get terrible sunburns in the summer. Meh.. I'll pass. I'd rather the other thing where I fly without wings like the fairies do in cartoons and while flying I'd be invisible so that I don't get into trouble. Maybe I am doing that already! How whould you know?! 

Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Elephant - day 320

When I was younger I thought that elephants were as tall as buildings. My heart broke when my mom told me that an elephant could probably fit in our living room. I still remember that day. I was so devastated. There are a lot of animals that I thought were bigger than they really are when I was a kid. I'm sure I still think so about some and do not realize. It was about 2 years ago actually that I was told that penguins are not human sized. I could swear that I once hugged one and it was as tall as a grown man. I don't know where this memory comes from. It's not real but it feels so. I have another one of those where I am in a submarine. I remember it very vividly and very-very "real", except I've never in my life been on one. This is very strange. I wonder if an elephant could fit in a submarine.

Δευτέρα 14 Νοεμβρίου 2016


Also if you like you can like my facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/pappou.katerina/
I just realized that I haven't posted it here. Duh'

Le Time - day319

I was watching a documentary about time on tv ..well that's not true, more like I heard for about 5 minuites a guy talking. So offcourse I have an opinion now. He said that time travel could be possible if we could build and survive being in a spaceship that travels with the speed of light. He said that if there were one person in that ship and the other one would remain here, when the first one returned from the travel he would be a lot younger than the second one. So he would travel in the future in a way. So this got me thinking that maybe we grow old because we don't move enough. And then there is this other thought that I have that some people live longer than others even if they die sooner, just because they did alot more things and when you are doing alot of different things your day somehow seems longer without it actually being longer than any other day. And it makes sense now! When you do alot of things, you move alot more, so you travel in time and stay young while everyone else is going normal speed so they get old! WHAT? My mind is giving up. These are the thoughts I'm having while doodling and I find them really funny. I thought I'd share just for the giggles. I don't think anyone is reading these so this makes it easier for me. And if you actually read all of this and made sense.. well.. sorry.

Κυριακή 13 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Wrong Time - day318

I often think that I was born in the wrong time because I see these women and I feel a bit envious of their appearance and femininity. But the truth is I'd go mad if I were to prepare myself every day to look like this. I barely manage to look in the mirror once, maybe twice a day. I'd never be able to do this. I like having the option to wear sweatpants and oversized hoodies and leave my hair do it's thing everyday without being the madman of the town. It's just the "once" thing. Just once I'd love to try being like that in an environment where everyone else is like that for real. I wonder how everyone would react. Whould they be able to spot me immediately or whould I pass as one of them? I'd be like a spy or something like that. SO EXCITING! Where can I apply for this?

Σάββατο 12 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Loooong hair - day 317

My hair is getting pretty long and dead-er than ever before. I try to keep it moisturized with oils and eggs and everything else that is the same level of disgusting. It's freezy always, even when oiled and unwashed forever. I think I might just cut it all off in a whim one of these days. I try to avoid it until the new year but it's getting harder and harder. It all started with me wanting some bangs and then deciding to wait until next year. Now it's at a point where I want short hair. I seem to very conviniently forget the struggles of short hair and how much my hairtype cannot handle being short and light. Also how much of a messy sleeper I am and the fact that I wash my hair at night most of the times.. it's a disaster to wake up to. We'll see what happens. For now I just need to manage to wait a bit longer. I'm getting really impatient.

Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Afterschool feelings

So.. I did this.
From this.
That's all I have to say.
I was doodling (not for the daily doodle, I do other things too) and I made this and I really liked it. So I decided to colour it and then I liked it even more.
I might colour more of my doodles in the future so keep an eye out for that if you liked it.

The key that unlocked the chaos! - day 316

There is a build in closet in my bedroom. It is old and the locks are still working but with some issues like you need to wobble the key inside them first and feel for the exact position that the key needs to be in order to unlock without breaking the lock or the key itself. 

So I started thinking:
Maybe I need to change all the locks of that closet. But since I'll do that, why not change the locks of all the closets in the house? But that'll be probably expensive and since I'm gonna be spending money, why not spend a little more and change the mechanism of all the closets so that they latch closed without the need to lock and unlock them everytime. But if I'm goona be doing that maybe I should also repaint them because it's been a long time since they got painted last. But if I'm gonna be painting the closet doors, why not paint the rooms also, it's already gonna be smelling like paint. But if I plan on painting the whole house, I should probably start now, before we lay the carpets down. But since it's gonna be painted and nice don't we need nicer carpets as well? But since I'm gonna be buying new carpets why not do something about the furniture too? It all needs to match and it's not gonna cost THAT much, since all I'm gonna be changing is a lock in a closet.. Wait What?!

Πέμπτη 10 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Apple - day315

I started dieting for almost a week now. I never realized how much crap I was eating. Now I snack only on fruit and juice and never at night. The first day was hard. After that it's not as bad as I was expecting it to be. I think I can stick to this fruit thing even after I loose what I need to. But seriously even if you don't need to loose weight or anything, just try not eating too late in the night (if you are), you'll feel a lot better. You'll sleep better and you'll wake up better. I am still amazed by this!

Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

One of these days - day314

Since I was a lot younger I had this thought that one of these days UFOs will show up, they'll beam me up and take me away in a planet not so different than ours, where I'll be with people that are kind and good (but without being too mlehhgm) and they'll care about others feelings and needs. The people there will not have to go to work nor they will trade money. When they are hungry they eat and when they are thirsty they drink. Nothing will be little and nothing will be plenty. Everything will be how it needs to be. And they'll take me there as part of an experiment to see how would a normal person like me react when introduced to that environment for a prolonged period of time like the rest of eternity. And while in there at first of course I'll miss everything back here but with time I'll forget everything and they'll forget about me, so it'll be all good again. One of these days for sure!

It all makes sense now. (minus the UFOs but oh well)

Τρίτη 8 Νοεμβρίου 2016

MEs - day313

You know how sometimes there is a voice in your head, a voice quite different than yours, that seems to disagree with almost everything you're thinking. I used to think that this little voice is the voice of reason and as a result I used to change a bit my perspective and decisions to better suit that voice, even if sometimes I ended up pretty far away from my initial thoughts. Then I started thinking that I never really stood true to neither mine nor that other voice. Every decision I ever made was always a blend of the two. So... I've got a theory about this: There are many versions of us (basicaly we exist in a lot of different dimensions). Some us of us are closer than some other us. The closer we are with the other us, the more times the voices in our heads cross each other and we can hear us/them(?). Now back to me. Since up to this point I lived my life hearing two voices (not the crazy kind hopefully) that both have affected my life where does that leave me? There are times that I cannot (or cannot be bothered) to differentiate between the two. And after I realized that, I'm not even sure that one of the voices is mine. Maybe I have no voice of my own and I'm just a space (or time) that two of me meet. But then, me thinking about what I really am gives me self awareness and makes me an actual individual. So I actually create myself (a brand new self) from two (or more) other myselves. And this can happen an infinite amount of times. So I have two questions: Is there a first me that started "splitting" and combining again? and the scariest one: Am I real? 

This is a product of lack of sleep and extreme procrastination.

Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Scraped knees - day 310

In the summer when you play on the beach, don't run near the rocks. Because if you fall and scrape your knee, snails will start growing out of your wounds. You will then be doomed to never leave the beach again, because these snails live only here. And you don't want them to die inside your body. 

I bet we all heard that story. It started getting scary when I heard it again by a girl around my age. She actually believed it! She BELIEVES this will happen. 
Everytime I'm socked by how stupid humans can get. Everytime it's getting worse and worse. 

We need to fix this.

Τρίτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2016

I got the Z's - day306

Almost constantly the past few days. 
And then when it's time to sleep I'm wide awake like it's noones buisness. 
What is this jet lag? Where did I come from? 
Also... bunny slippers!