Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

One of these days - day314

Since I was a lot younger I had this thought that one of these days UFOs will show up, they'll beam me up and take me away in a planet not so different than ours, where I'll be with people that are kind and good (but without being too mlehhgm) and they'll care about others feelings and needs. The people there will not have to go to work nor they will trade money. When they are hungry they eat and when they are thirsty they drink. Nothing will be little and nothing will be plenty. Everything will be how it needs to be. And they'll take me there as part of an experiment to see how would a normal person like me react when introduced to that environment for a prolonged period of time like the rest of eternity. And while in there at first of course I'll miss everything back here but with time I'll forget everything and they'll forget about me, so it'll be all good again. One of these days for sure!

It all makes sense now. (minus the UFOs but oh well)

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